My companion and I
I started this blog not to preach to you, nor to brag about how amazing Argentina and its people are--which I am sure they are--but to tell you about the relationship I build with God so hopefully you will have the desire to come close to Him as well.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
First week in Dec
Alright so this week we have been visiting a family from Brazil and they only speak portuguese. It is really hard because sometimes we understand them and sometimes I have no idea what they are saying to me. They invited us over for lunch in their house and we ate vegetables from their garden...pretty much the first time I have been offered vegetables here. Then they invited us to come the next day...but we didnt understand when they invited us so they ended up waiting 2 hours for us to come! I was super embarrassed when I found out because I hate being late to our appointments here.
My spanish is far from perfect but I am starting to understand a lot better and put words together better. Well there is always something random that happens everyday but I cant remember right now. So I guess this is all I will send this week, but I was wondering if you all watched the Christmas Devotional? How was it? I didnt have the chance to see it because I was in a family home evening with some members...they are starting to support us now!
Well as always I love you all and hope to continue to hear all about what is going on in the USA.
con carino,
Hermana Gunter
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Argentina NO!!!
Hola todos!
After traveling for 2 days straight, we finally arrived in Paraguay where were supposed to get a flight to Argentina. Unfortunately, we could not step onto their soil without visas. So we had to purchase visas which took forever and then we rode on this crazy looking blue bus with pictures of jesus all over it until we got to the mission home in Asuncion Paraguay.
Surprisingly the food isnt that bad but it scares me to eat it because they dont ever wash their hands. Well I love you all and I will continue to work hard so that I can return with some cool stories. My new address is
Córdoba 1243
Posadas, Código Postal 3300
Casilla de correo #12
Adios! escribame cartes!
Hermana Gunter
Letter from Syd's President and Pictures
August 31, 2013
Dear Gunter Family,
My wife and I had the privilege to welcome Sister Gunter to the Argentina Posadas Mission. We are excited to have Sister Gunter in our mission to contribute to edify the Church of the Lord here in The Argentina Posadas Mission.
Sister Gunter was assigned to labor in the Puente Kyhà Branch with Sister Dominguez as there trainer. During her mission, Sister Gunter will have opportunities to work in the Providence of Misiones in Argentina and Paraguay due to the mission having two countries. Although, Argentina and Paraguay are neighbors, they have different cultures and customs.
On Monday, they will have their preparation days where she will be able to communicate with you every Monday. The communication is generally done over E-mail, or to communicate with letters or packages, the direction of the offices of the mission is:
Sister Gunter
Córdoba 1243
Posadas, Misiones 3300
Casilla 12
We are very grateful for sending us a missionary spiritually prepared; she will be an influence in the lives of the investigators that they will teach, members who they will get to know, to her companion and other missionaries.
With love,
Lee LaPierre
President of the Argentina Posadas Mission
Sunday, August 18, 2013
This week has been amazing! For our devotional on Tuesday, Elder Scott came and spoke to us! He talked a lot about the gift of tongues and gave us an apostolic blessing so that we would not get discouraged. He was so sweet; he kept telling us how much the twelve love us and then mentioned that his deceased wife was there with us.
Then on Wednesday, I had the opportunity of hosting the new missionaries that came into the MTC. The first one was a cute little sister from Taiwan. She was really good at english for just arriving the night before! Her name was Sister Hsu (pronounced shoe) and is going to the Salt Lake City Temple Square mission. I can't image traveling to a completely different country all by myself. I really do admire her.
The next sister I helped was named Hermana Ordeñez. She was born in Peru but grew up in New Jersey. At first I couldn´t understand what she was saying though because she pronounced New Jersey with a y (New yersey). The best part of this week though was attending the temple this morning and watching the new temple video. I liked it better because Eve was valiant and outspoken.
I have also developed a stronger love for the Book of Mormon this week. In our lesson we memorized the first vision and I never knew the impact it could have to bring the spirit. We are supposed to recite it slowly with fervor and eye contact with the investigator. So here it is without any notes--try to imagine me saying this as I look you in the eye ;)
Vi una columna de luz
Mas brillante que el sol
directamente arriba de me cabeza
y esta luz gradualmente descendio
hasta descansar sobre me
Al reposar la luz
vi en el aire arriba de mi
a dos personajes culyo
fulgar y gloria no admiten
descripción. Una de ellos
me habló, llamandome por
me nombre, este es mi hijo
amado, escuchalo.
I love you all and hope to continue to hear from you. Good luck as school starts up again, and remember that no matter what happens, Christ knows you and what you are going through. Turn to him. Buena suerte!
sinceramente, hermana gunter
Sunday, August 4, 2013
These past few weeks have gone pretty swell. I am learning the language quickly but I am in the stage where some of my english and spanish get mixed up and I am starting to forget how to speak some english; so please excuse my grammer! We got a new investigator who was a lot harder to work with than Estaban and his name is Jorge. Luckily yesterday, my companion and I were able to get through to him. I also was asked to play in sacrament meeting on Sunday and totally butchered the hymns on the piano which was super embarrassing. Our zone is super funny and our district is full of 18 year old (immature) boys. They are also very funny though. Yesterday, they pulled the prank that a companionship had recieved their visas and were leaving to the Dominican Republic MTC. We were so sad because they were leaving us that we planned a party, wrote notes and made them gift bags! Then the next day they told us it was a lie and I have been mad at them ever since! Dumb boys!
I absolutely love my roomates they are all so funny! We got in trouble last night because we were talking way to loud and way too late. Some security guard came by our door and told us to turn our lights off. I will send you pictures of them when I get a chance! Anyways I love you all and I wish I could write more but I have to go. Love you,
Hermana Gunter
Saturday, July 27, 2013
This week has been very busy!! All we do is study study study from 7 am to 930 pm. The language is hard but as long as the spirit it present while we teach, then we know that the investigators will learn from us. With our progressive investigator, we knew what to say but we didn't know how to say it in English, so we just tried to use the words we did know and bore testimony. After the third lesson, our investigator committed to baptism! We were so surprised that we had to keep asking him if he was sure! The Lord truly does bless you if you just put your trust in him.
Each week we write a letter to our mission president and he gives us feedback. I had mentioned I felt really busy and so he gave me this scripture to read: D&C 10:4. Please read it because I feel like with your busy schedule you will come to understand what God asks of you. I am supposed to leave to Argentina on Aug 26, but every other missionary going to Argentina is being sent state side while waiting for their visas. Most have been sent Salt Lake City...I sure hope that is not me. Right now I am at a computer in the laundry room because all the other ones are down. People are waiting for me and it is hot, so I want more time but I can't take it. Hopefully next week I can send you some photos if I have more time. Love you all.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
MTC Meet-up
Hola! This is your daughter Hermana Gunter! I expected to be getting an email from my family earlier... but I guess I will just fill you in.
My first day at the MTC was very fun! I didn't ever imagine it would be this great, but I have an awesome companion named Hermana Craven who also did gymnastics and loves Smallville!! The first night we talked to real investigators and it made my calling as a missionary seem more real. Now I have a purpose and I know what the Lord needs me to do. I bore my testimony to them about injuries and my personal experience after getting in my wreck. I was sobbing and felt the spirit so strongly; the most important thing while teaching investigators is inviting the spirit to teach the lesson. Tonight we have to teach our first investigator en espanol! I am so nervous because we haven't learned any spanish!! I barely know how to say a prayer and I can hardly say that I am a missionary. It will be tough but mi companera and I have been studying a bunch, so hopefully the lord will help us with the language.
The hardest thing about the mission is not being able to talk to Tobee. I miss her so much. But everything I am doing here will hopefully bless everyone home. I have seen so many missionaries from high school and college I feel like its another EFY or college campus! I have felt the spirit so strongly that I know I can make it through as long as I listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Thank you for teaching me how to be independent and self-sufficient.
Love you all.
con amor,
Hermana Gunter
Love you all.
con amor,
Hermana Gunter
Sunday, July 14, 2013
In 2 Nephi 2:25 we have all heard the verse that says:
Joy is felt by everyone; the sheer truimph over adversity. Joy in this context is
not the temporary joy, but the eternal joy.
What’s the difference?
The scripture I chose for my mission describes the joy I
hope to share with others while on the Lord’s errand.
Alma 29:9-10
9 I know
that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do anot bglory of
myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my
glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some
soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and
coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I
remember awhat the
Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I
remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.
Purpose of life: find your happily ever after.
Your Happily ever after by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Isn’t that what we all desire: to be the heroes and heroines
of our own stories; to triumph over adversity; to experience life in all its
beauty; and, in the end, to live happily ever after?
He goes on…
Isn’t it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father
knows you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite
love? In fact, His love for you is so
great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of “once
upon a time,” complete with your own true story of adventure, trial and
opportunities for greatness, nobility courage and love. And, most glorious of all, He offers you a
gift beyond price and comprehension.
Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and
the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after”. But such a blessing does not come without a
price. It is not given simply because
you desire it. It comes only through
understanding who you are and what you must become in order to be worthy of
such a gift.
There is a happily ever after for each one of us but we must
first be baptized, obey the commandments, attend the temple and endure to
the end. These are all things we have been taught from the very
Elder L. Tom Perry gave 4 basic guidelines to living a
balanced and righteous life to the youth of this generation. He expects they will:
Keep their wonderful physical bodies pure and
holy as temples of God.
Place preeminence on spiritual learning and
knowledge from God.
Be a trusted generation and use the foundation
of eternal gospel truths to establish standards and values.
Seek learning from the eternal truths contained
in the holy scriptures.
President Kimball reminded us of the importance of
consistent scripture reading when he said:
I find that when I get casual in my relationships with divinity
and when it seems that not divine voice is speaking that I am far, far
away. If I immerse myself in the
scriptures that distance narrows and the spirituality returns.
To the youth, Perry gave his last piece of advice:
Mortality is the time to learn first of God and the gospel
and to perform the ordinances. With that
noble quality of trust comes the reputation of one who is honest and possesses
integrity. These are character traits at
will ensure a long and successful career.
Personal, sincere involvement in the scriptures produces faith, hope,
and solutions to our daily challenges.
In Alma 34:32
32 For behold, this alife is the time for men to bprepare to meet God; yea, behold
the day of cthis life is the day for men to
perform their dlabors.
The young womanhood manual reminds us of what our true
purpose is here on earth.
During this life we obtain physical bodies and are tested to
see if we will obey God’s commandments. We came to earth to prepare to have an
eternal family, bless God’s children, and build His kingdom. Our experiences
during mortality are meant to help us become more like our Heavenly Father.
Through sincere effort and sacrificing of our time to the
Lord, we can be embraced in the arms of the Lord and have our happily ever
after. But just as President Uchtdorf
said, obtaining a happily ever after is not always easy. We will have trials just like Cinderella and
all the other princesses I idolized as a child.
I used to think… why me?
One of my favorite scriptures Helaman 12:3 says:
3 And thus we see that except
the Lord doth achasten his people with many
afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with bdeathand with
terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not cremember him.
The scriptures tell us there must be opposition in all
things, for without it we could not discern the sweet from the bitter.
Just recently, I ran the Utah Valley Marathon. Training was manageable and so I wasn't expecting too much of a struggle when race day came. But during mile 21, my legs felt so stiff that I could barely run. Most people could speed walk past my slow pace. Almost in tears because of confusion, I decided that I wouldn't be able to enjoy reaching the finish line unless I had pushed through.
How you react to adversity and temptation is a critical
factor in whether or not you arrive at your own happily ever after. And in times of change and hardship, it can be hard to
endure to the end.
President Hugh B.
Brown reminds us that it is faith that can get us through. When he was serving in WW1, he visited an elderly friend in
the hospital. This friend was an 80 year
old millionaire on his death bed.
Neither of his children nor divorced wives came to see him. President Brown asked his friend what he
would change in his life if he could. He
said, “As I think back over life the most important and valuable asset with I
might have had but which I lost in the process of accumulation my millions was
the simple faith my mother had in God and in the immortality of the soul.”
He described his emotions in a poem entitled “I’m an
I’m an alien, to the faith my mother taught me.
I’m a stranger to the God that heard my mother when she
I’m an alien to the comfort that “now I lay me,” brought
To the everlasting arms that held my father when he died.
When the great world came and called me, I deserted all
to follow.
Never noting in my blindness I had slipped my hand from
Never dreaming in my dazedness that the bubble fame is
That the wealth of gold is tinsel, as I since have
learned it is.
I have spent a lifetime seeking things I spurned when I
found them,
I have fought and been rewarded in many a winning cause,
But I’d give it all, fame and fortune and the pleasures
that surround them,
If I only had the faith that made my mother what she was.
My mother and all the women in my family are such great examples to me. I would be nothing without the faith of my mother.
Kimball said:
The exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is always a
subject to the order of heaven, to the goodness and will and wisdom and timing
of the Lord. That is why we cannot have
true faith in the Lord without also having complete trust in the Lord’s will
and in the Lord’s timing. When we have
that kind of faith and trust in the Lord, we have true security in our lives.
Moroni 7:38
For none can be saved according to the words of Christ, save
they shall have faith in his name.
“Everywhere you look
today, you will find promises of happiness.
Ads in magazines promise total bliss if you will only buy a certain
outfit, shampoo, or makeup. Certain
media productions glamorize those who embrace evil or give in to base
instincts. Often these same people are
portrayed as models of success and accomplishment,” Uchtdorf said.
I thought true happiness was in a successful career. Now, more and more I am beginning to
understand that true success and happiness is having an eternal family and
posterity that are converted into the fold of Christ.
The Proclamation to world speaks of the responsibility of
THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and
woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within
the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital
vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be
achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful
marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith,
prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome
recreational activities.
Heavenly Father has a plan for us to achieve eternal life…
we just have to follow the map he has left for us.
Richard G. Scott spoke of daily trials:
You understood that there would be challenges for you would
live in an environment of both righteous and evil influences. Yet surely you resolved that no matter what
the cost, no matter what the effort, suffering, and testing, you would return
Dare to be different.
Act as a future king or queen of God’s kingdom would. Live up to the
standards we are taught in the gospel, and I know that if you trust in the lord
you can finish the last pages of your life story with “and they lived happily
ever after”. Amen.
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